Welcome Autumn

Walt Thisney strikes again; exotica, kitsch, lounge, space pop – call it what you want but give him a ‘Welcome Back Walt’;

And in his usual genourous style the master of plunderphonical sidesteps also issued more detailed EP’s in a straight row from August to September; Walt Thisney plays KORLA PANDIT tunes, Mondo Saxtanico and not to forget:
Saxtanic Mass – Walt Thisney plays ANTON LAVEY tunes .

A new digital & limited tape release by the mastermind of DsorDNE on a new Italian label just appeared;

The Glove Of Bones & Cousin Silas reissued their mighty dubby ambient collaboration ‘Ornithology’ after the disappearence of Digital Dizzy on the acclaimed ambient netlabel We Are All Ghosts;


Try not to get lost there with all the free Cousin Silas Releases available.