Tag Archives: M. Nomized

Klappstuhl in early Summer frenzy – Kallabris, m. nomized & news on DsorDNE

>Yes, it’s that time of the year again where somehow things start working out………

SP 019

To good to be lost here is a release by a legend of the tape-scene, the multi productive

M. Nomized

from France who seems never to rest on his laurels if you take a look at his bandcamp page(s). ‘Sample 4’ was originally issued via Cold Spring in the late 80’s as Cassette in an edition of only 35 copies. The new cover shot is b.t.w. by Mr. Andy Falconer, a talented musician in his own right, nowadays living in Germany and splitting his time between photography and electronic sounds.

SP 020

Basically a collection of two earlier (limited and now deleted) releases by one of my very favourite sonic freestyle artists. Hard to categorize as most of my cherished publications but fully worthwile exploring on repeated listenings. Some more details here.

Besides looking back


is never short of looking forward and Inselkind Schallträger issued a new beautiful 180g LP ‘Red Square‘ in May where the diversity of his talents really shine – instrumentals, songs (!), freestyle, structures – you can find all there in one flow showing that Kallabris leaves nearly every musical boarder behind on his way. I’ve got no info which quantitiy was pressed but to avoid disappointment act fast.
In case it’s hard to find ask your friendly drone hq.

On a related note: It’s great to see


(whose ‘Carceri‘ is still available @ Klappstuhl) furthermore active with a new release continuing the mere ambient Grafio Series on the Italien Asbestos Digit label from Rome;

Asbestos Digital 25

Besides his own releases and his work at O.F.F. Studio, Torino Marco even found time for a mix for NOODS Radio which can be listened online here:
