Category Archives: Klappstuhl Records

Transgerman Mind Configuration – Solanaceae Tau

[Berlin Wall, pictured by Tomas Val, London]

25 years ago one of the most tumultous phases in German history reached one of it’s highlights with a call for Unity in East Germany (GDR) shortly after the Berlin Wall was open.

It took less than a year (November 9th, 1989 to October 3rd, 1990) until the German Democratic Republic dissolved – one year which caused plenty of emotions; the fear of German Third Reich fantasies, strong right-wing tendencies and the prediction of heartless capitalism, loosing wealth and security and more. 1990 was a very intense year for all, the feeling of living in historical times paired with big question marks. Many promises where made concerning a bright future for all.
Many decisions where made hastily and from some of them we still suffer today.
In June Solanaceae Tau released this tapework, now available in a new redesigned and remastered edition by the talented hands and mind of Maurizio ‘Noisebrigade’ Pustianaz.

Solanaceae Tau reflected most of these themes from Fascism, Opression to Industrial Production vs. Individual Human Needs (not for the first or last time) in their 1990 album including historical quoatatios and unfiltered lyrics and the imminent feeling of pressure and change.

Nihilistick Noise Archive proudly combined this reissue – which still feels very current concerning various global incidents and trends – with a 3 track single, featuring an exclusive edit and an L.H.D. Remix.

2023 Activities : “View From Nowhere” ..

Self promotion is not really what I would call my strenght. Anyway, there is a need to sum up what happened since the last Klappstuhl releated post now.
Anyway, here is a slight look back on another year Klappstuhl & releated Activities:

January started with a compilaton of loose tracks from MIK@ issued via con area Hand Made which is for now a PWYW release.

February and May saw the next remastered reissues of Frankfurt’s cyber goth Project Solanaceae Tau on nihilistick noise archive .Each Album accompanied by a free digital single. The next release sadly came to an halt due to the untimely death of singer Katmaina this Autumn. Shocked and sad we will continue to present the legacy as good as possible, also in memory of Axaxas who left earth the year before.

On Klappstuhl April and June where highlights unearthing an unpublished Siegmar Fricke electro EP, recorded back in 1999 and the definitive Version of the Pharmatrance Album by his and Heike Böhm’s project A:M:B, both freshly mastered , licensed from the ever evolving pharmakustik both featuring original artworks by Siegmar Fricke.

A radio show featuring among others Siegmar Fricke, D.S.I.P. and A:M:B by Mr. Ebu from FFM (who still has a wide open heart for the Casssette Culture and more). Follow on Mixcloud is now listenable online at:

August came and with it my personal favourite – ‘View From Nowhere’ which is a great double album documenting the recent sound developments of ungarian electronic dub maestro OhmikRon following 2022’s ‘Pandemic Dub’ also on Klappstuhl and ‘Broader Spectrum’ (via ODrex Music, Berlin. Toying with an AI image Generator for the design gave it an extra fitting and futuristic touch. More can also be found at ohmikron’s page.

In Autumn all I could do was reworking the early Walt Thisney album ‘ThisContinuum’ for an reissue. Thanks once more to Maurizio for his work beyond the call of duty which gave this retro futuristic collection a fresh neonlike sound.

Thiscover more recent works by Walt via his site which seemed dormant for a while but got recently updated with new releases.

On a releated note Marco Milaneso of DsorDNE also deep dived into his archives and published two soundtracks, commissioned for original theater productions MARAT SADE and RED by Nevio Gambula back in the mists of time.e 8 tracks extracted from soundtracks specially made for theater works in 1989 from the Acqualuce Studio tape archive and remastered, two tracks have also been remixed from the original tapes, at O.F.F. Studio, Torino.

As far for now, I wish all a better year than the last one.

Epical Obscura – Solanaceae Tau

The third installment of the Solanaceae Tau Reissue series is “Epical Obscura“, originally published in July 2000 and heavily influenced by ecological activist Julia Butterfly who saved a giant and ancient redwood tree and surrounding forest in California by living on it as long as it took to get an eternal contract that it will be saved. Three of the tracks use lyrics by her and the all other lyrics are critical observing the state of the world by then too. One of the album tracks reminds me a lot of Algebra Suicide in a positive way;

Nihilistick Noise Archive aims to present the legacy of Solanaceae Tau as best as possible furthermore each album reissue is accompanied by a free single, in this case The Circle c/w Announcement Of Darkness. Get it here.

The original cover art can be seen archived on discogs, slightly altered but still blatantly taken from the innersleeve of an Grateful Dead record to underline the strength and unitiy of alternative culture but due to the re-working of the album it seemed approbiate to update and re-design this too.
As with the preceeding reissues (2007’s Novus Ordo Seclurum and 2003’s Voices From The Ground Behind) the tracks where professionally remastered by Maurizio Pustianaz of Noisebrigade honoring the late Axaxas aka Fenryr aka Andreas Kirchner.
I’ve been in contact with him again as I had the idea to publish some of this projects works on Klappstuhl because they where badly underrepresent anywhere online which was a shame… S.T. never managed to fit into one style be it experimental, electronic darkwave, industrial, neo folkish or cybergoth or whatever and had most likely because of this and limited distribution only a selected followship.

[click to listen]

Landscape pic by Dominik Scythe.
Skull pic by Max Kleinen, thanks to both.
Design & layout fd (full printable artwork included with dl).

SP 030 & SP 031 – OhmikRon EP & full Album!

Urbanik Resonance EP

I am very proud about the two recent releases by Hungarian Dub Master Kálmán Nemeth published lately. The EP tracks where recorded early this Spring and released with extraordinary artwork by TapeAir from Budapest. The new album – his first since the excellent Eleven from early 2020 collects recordings from 2021 to late 2022 – made in isolation and compiled thematically coherent.

Pandemic Dub

I rediscovered my love for dub techno (which started with some of the first basic channel 12″s I bought when in Berlin during the early 1990’s) while working from home. It helped to keep me focused, most tracks aren’t too short so if fits in easily with the patient needed sometimes and besides there is a steady but not too dominant groove involved. I know this is not the real point here but it’s easy to enjoy the wordless space created here while being busy with whatever.
OhmikRon was one of dozens artists I discovered via bandcamp and soundcloud and he moves never too much into ambient ambiguity and this makes discovering his releases (and DJ Mixes) a pleasure.

Both releases are Digital Only.

SP 029 rasal.asad : asuna.lahva

Another lost album rediscovery thanks to mobile working lead to this release. Partially it has still a 90’s optimistic Ambient flair with a touch dreamaway but paired with selected speech samples. Soundwise it prequels Fernando Cerqueira’s earlier vaporwave works as Walt Thisney with it’s distinguished slightly unreal appeal up to the final track which dives into drone territory and was published separate in 2004 as EP. This one connects more to his recent works with it’s timeless approach.

The general unreal futuristic feel no matter if generated through different voices or noises, synth or piano sounds is what always caught my attention so this is paired with altered images of Tokyo, Japan, 〒101 0021 tōkyō to, chiyoda city, sotokanda, 1 chōme−15−1 半田ビル (Original Photo by Gwen King on Unsplash) to reflect this.


‘Asuna’ was his second solo release after Ras.Al.Ghul splitted for good. The first one, ‘Space.Scape’ had been reissued before remixed and remastered by his alter ego Walt Thisney in digital format. Originally issued by Thisco in 2003 as Thisk 12 on CD (and Thisk 19 in 2004) who rececently celebrated their 20th Anniversary with a highly recommended compilation (ltd. LP / DL) 7300 Earth Spins featuring new and old allies of the label he founded together with Luis Van Seixas aka Sci Fi Industries when he too still lived in Portugal back in 2001.

20 Years Thisco!

If you order the LP you’ll even get a Compilation CD from 20 Years ago free with it to linder the hurting if you see the postage costs.

Listen and get this insubstantial artificial artefact here >

Enjoy “Time” by and with the amazing Mr. Concept! (SP 026)

40 Year after ‘The Amazing World Of Mr. Concept‘ burst onto the tape scene here is the conclusion… “a continued rapid stream of delight”……………… true to the spirit of his early Cassette only albums this release is made and mixed for listening in one go.
Includes extensive liner notes by Mr C! as PDF booklet and of course printable artwork to make your own CD (Sorry, blank tapes are expensive nowadays).

But this is by far not the only project he was working on in the time since ‘XXXVII‘ was released, discover more Concept City productions at the new bandcamp site and enjoy the reissue as digital version or facsimile copy of the legendary ltd. Cordelia Records 1985 Album ‘November’ on LP. Currently available via Platform 23 from Nepal.

There is also a limited amount of original Klappstuhl CDr’s for those who prefer a physical product, including a free dl of the digital booklet. Rumours state it will be only 22 copies of this one which was already issued on February 20th. In any case – Mr. Concept wishes you a good time

concept city

Siegmar Fricke Funk Wellen

01 01 20 20 was the perfect futuristic date to publish this hardly recognized work of SF’s late electro / technohouse phase. All tracks where recorded during 1994 before he abounded the pop elements in search for new structures; less melodic but more abstract and rhythmic with a clinical approach to sound design which led to his current Pharmakustik output.

Klappstuhl Records is proud to publish this updated definitive version, carefully remastered in 24 Bit quality by Siegmar himself and now even including “Realtime” – a track never released before.

The graphic artwork is one of SF’s early 90’s works which seemed perfect to accompany this issue, colorful but technoid which sort of expresses the spirit of these days; optimistic onwards into a promised world of virtual reality, wealth and mental freedom for all.

Of course he also developed this side of his activity further, a recent exhibiton in Oldenburg, Germany showed his current approach of “froming complex organic structures” as does his online gallery.

Contaminated Area. MIK@ ‘s Vault.

A new find in the vaults from Mik@ of Contaminated Area fame, released in conjunction with the 10th Anniversary of the ‘Totally Wired’ festival performance.
Freshly mastered and dusted off ambience for the hard wired.

And when you’re there don’t miss the chance to check out other free EP’s like the ‘Beautiful Catastrophe’ Coil tribute (a version was once published on the limited 2CD edition of “The Loneliest Link In A Very Strange Chain” Compilation or the excellent HYBRIDS vs. WEYDAS album.